Brandon is generally contacted to speak at the following types of events.
School & Banquet
Brandon has spoken to more than 450 schools of all ages and scores of athletic banquets and Boy Scout groups across the country. At public schools, he gives a secular message introducing youth to the importance of dreaming huge, working extra hard, and not making excuses as they fail forward with the utmost integrity. At the appropriate institutions, Brandon is willing to also share his Christian Faith, but he always respects the leadership and audience he is encouraging.
Corporate Motivational Speaking
45 minute Motivational Speech. Brandon will come to your meeting or corporate offices and share the lessons he learned on his eighteen-year journey from losing every match his first year to becoming the best in the World. It is an uplifting message about finding your “why"” and adoring the process along the way. He will teach the skills necessary for setting strategic objective goals in conjunction with tactical process goals that maximize your ability to succeed. Through his message, Brandon equates how giving full effort, perseverance, and determination transcend into the business world.
Church Youth Groups
Brandon shares with the audience how God took him from 7th in the nation to 1st in the world through humility, obedience, and trust in His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He encourages youth to move from Belief to Conviction as they walk with the Savior.
Church Services
Brandon explains through his testimony and Romans 12:1 how making a total commitment to Christ requires a Decision, Discipline, and Devotion. He also encourages the audience to press toward their golds in life while constantly remembering our true prize is gold eternal.
To schedule an appearance, please email Brandon at brandon@brandonslay.com or go to the contact page and submit the form.